Monday, January 24, 2011

Le Grand Reflux 2011

Started as a joke (again) and completed many in different times. This compilation of "between jobs" includes a re-done version of Dust In Silence from Wrath Within . Dark ambience, heavy depression (which I don't have) and complexity. Here we are again. Another blast from me.

1. Post Mortem Debugs For Veteran Souls (Interlude)
2. Le Grand Reflux
3. String Soul
4. Dust In Silence (My Turn) [Extended Steel Version]
5. Concrete Tears (Bonus Genocide)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Wrath Within 2010

This, I call the 4th album is different in some ways from other ones. The difference is less improvisation, more certain patterns. It still has some kinda deep ambience, depression, hope, irony (the essential!). I hope you enjoy this 6 song journey to somewhere inside, but this time different territories..

1. Ode To Mankind (The Celebration Of Divine Judgement) 
2. Dust In Silence (My Turn)
3. Veritas (Dispute Of Poor Major Harbor Institute)
4. Ad Lamentorum
5. Hope Foundry (Company Of No-Trust)
6. Wrath Within

The Devotion Of Failure 2009

After walkin' through paths of my own emotional crysis, I made this EP. So much to do with heart. Includes a song with vocals however not like my usual instrumental vibe. Go ahead!

1. The Fall Between Heart And Mind
2. The Heartless Remain

Representation To Our Dark Majesty 2009

My total improvisation-based, juicy, deep, moist album, being the second one entitled as a conclusion of sarcasm. Thy Majesties will not be okay with this or we'll see. I recommend a dark and silent room with this album.

1. Charm Of Fakers
2. Savior From The Moon (He Came And Said "Nihil Me Terret") 
3. The Absence
4. Beyond The Creation Of Mankind - Allusions From Dispositions

Friday, January 14, 2011

Like A Sword In My Head 2009

My first-made album. A total experimental work. Creepy, strange ambience with weirdo-style improvisations. I had so much fun when creating these whole thing, how about you when you're listening?

1. L'Overture De Magnificant Malus 
2. Homicidal Cavern Blues (Incarnation To The Left Realms Of Souvenirs For The One) 
3. Without An Individual Decision 
4. Rain Before - The Punishment Of Aegnor (A Simple Tribute To The Province Of Morrowind)
5. Prayers For Our Salvation (Rest Of The End) 

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Welcome to all my listeners, followers or anyone who is interested in music.. some strange, wicked but full of spirit. I am gonna try to share all my stuff as much as possible. Hope you enjoy your time being here and listening my stuff.